May 11, 2013

Facebook Colorful Text for Chat

Its Facebook post again and before posting some tips about Facebook lets take a look on my previous post like putting profile picture on chat or Facebook emoticons. The post is in demand in Google search as more people are curios on how to put a profile picture on chat or just use popular emoticons. Okay, its still a Facebook post and reading some threads you can put a colored text on your Facebook chat. Enough of the boring black and white text how about put a color on your chat, impress your chat
mate with hi, hello with color and here’s how:
[[109294689102123]] [[115807951764667]] [[116564658357124]] [[107023745999320]]
[[115430438474268]] [[112416755444217]]  [[116564658357124]]
[[111356865552629]] [[115430438474268]] [[115807951764667]] [[115807951764667]] [[116564658357124]]
[[112669162092780]] [[107015582669715]] [[116651741681944]] [[115430438474268]]
[[115602405121532]] [[107015582669715]]  [[106699962703083]]

Just put that on the chat box and make sure to put a space on it Each Code correspond to a letter . Enjoy =) 

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