December 30, 2012

Great Firewall Of China - Extension of The Great Wall

The Great Firewall Of China
I know you're familiar with The Great Wall Of China. The Longest Man Made Structure in World and One of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. A Wall is a structure to protect the people, country and territory they build the wall for security and controlling the borders. It’s also a great defense for invaders and people who’s trying to escape. “The Great Wall means power and control”- That’s the symbol of China’s Great Wall.

Let’s now look at another Wall from China The Great Firewall Of China. In modern technology terms firewall is software or hardware for defense. A computer that has a firewall has a very good protection for attacks and intercepting in and out information. “It is built for power and control” just like the Wall it keeps track what’s in and out the border. A combination of two can produce a Great Firewall – Applying the Ancient Works to modern technology that’s what they did for online protection and controlling the Internet. China is one of the country that has a very good Internet censorship they almost control everything. Major social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter a tool that can be used to express your thoughts and democracy are blocked. Information to the outside world and information to your world is also blocked. Is this the same reason they created a Great Firewall Of China – Extension of The Great Wall. A wall of modern technology or a great tool to prevent pornographic material or violent content. We never know what’s good and bad for Chinese people it could be useful or not but let’s hope that this step would not lead for another country to follow. The wall is a great tool but for countries that rely on Social Media as a tool for democracy it just like locking up a bird in a cage

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