February 7, 2013

Send Some Message Via Wireless Router

Wireless Router Message
The scenario is I am on my room and neighbor beside you are making a loud noise. Playing a loud funky music on his/her computer and sometimes shouting and screaming to the beat. You know that you can knock on their door to complain and tell them to shut up because somebody is catching asleep. But you might start a fight and not a very good relationship with your neighbor. I need to think a plan where I can send them a message without knowing that I’m the one who sends it. Fist option is SMS but I don’t even know their name and number

– fail. Second Option adds a sticky note on the door but CCTV cameras are installed along the hallway I might get caught. – Fail. Third option Facebook or email but no Information provided and I'll not waste my time trying to stalk and hack them. I came up with the fourth option Sending Message using Wireless Router. Here’s how:
I have a full access on my router and I know they have a wireless computer as well. Changing the SSID on a simple message adding their room number to make sure that they read it. If you don’t know how to access your modem you can check this post. Common Modem Default Gateway.
My exact message on my SSID:  rm 302 someone trying to sleep lower your volume please!! 

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