April 8, 2013

Google Chrome Reveal Your Password

Google Chrome Password Manager
I am using a personal computer and most of my password are stored on the browser. Using Google Chrome and password manager it’s very easy for me to just log in to my site like Facebook, Google + or mail services. This morning log out my Facebook account and it still show my password but in **** I’m curious and searching if there’s a way to check the password. I found a solution and here’s how.

Go to tools Developer tools on Google Chrome.

Google Chrome Password manager

The label is set to password any information you type on the text box will show you a ****.  Search for the word password shown on the image below.

google chrome password label

 Input type=”password” change it to “text” to show the word on the password text box.
google chrome password label text

 It will show the current password on the text box make sure to clear your browser cache if you’re not using your personal computer. Clearing the cache can prevent your account being hacked.

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